
Unique qualities to look for in the legal translators

Translation is the only source which connects people around the world breaking the provinces. The translation is important in the entire field regardless of the types where the multiple languages are playing the vital role.  The translation service is offered for many types like business, patent, user manual, immigration, website, etc… in all these types, the respective translators faces the challenging task to deliver the result with complete accuracy. The concern organization or the individual should do some brainstorming work while deciding the apt person for the translation of the document.

Legal translation services: 

The legal document translation services is the type of translation which deals with some legal documents like wills, property agreements, bonds, legal certificates, etc… this may seldom overlap with the business translation, as the business concern deals with number of legal approvals and documents. There are number of machine translations and the software being developed with the increasing technology. Despite that preference of professional translators is always in demand because of the accuracy they provide in the translation service. 

            The below paragraphs shows some of the qualities to check for before hiring the translators for the legal translation services:

Checklist to be remembered:

#1: the legal knowledge is must for the translators who are involved in the translation process. That should be tested with the translators without any hesitation. This can be done by the law professionals. If the concern person lacks in maximum legal knowledge make them understand the concept and let them know some legal proceedings.

#2: knowledge regarding the law policies followed in both the countries is very must for the translator to make the translation work problem free. The law policies need not constant throughout the period of time, they vary. So the translator should be update the current happenings periodically.

#3: core concept knowledge is very important for the legal translator. The legal translation work doesn’t come from single field, they vary. The translators should be checked for the talent in the particular concept. The concern person should grab the concept very promptly, as they have undergone many works relating to same field, the accuracy is expected for sure.

#4: work experience is also the important parameter to check for in the professional translators. As the translators are experienced, they might have undergone many translation mistakes and they know the solution to tackle the mistakes with care. The experience gives complete perfection to the work. Such translators can deal with any kind of complex documents with ease.

#5: proofreading is the final stage translation process of the accuracy check and the error check in the document. This is done to enhance the quality of the document. It is double benefit to hire a person who plays the dual role of translator and the proofreader. But the restriction is that they should be provided with enough of time limit to complete both the work with accuracy.

            These are some of the qualities to look for the in the legal translators before hiring them. It is efficient to choose the translators from the reputed translation agency.

            Waterstone Translations is one of the translation service providers with efficient professionals for the translation of all type of documents. The service offered by them includes legal translation services, Chinese translation services, and document translation services.


What is the administrative translation and how they are done?

Translation plays the major role in breaking the provinces among two different countries or regions. The translation service is often preferred for the type of translation, despite the invention of many machine translations and this is wholly due to the accuracy they produce. In such concerns the translation service doesn’t happen all within short duration, they need series of planning and understanding of the documents, before the start of the translation process. There are many types of translation services differentiated based on the need and requirement of the individual, one among them is administrative translations. The below paragraphs shows some of the importance of administrative translations and the difficulty involved in such translation services:

Administrative Translation:

The company is nothing without the proper administration. The administrative department in the concern is responsible for all the happenings of the company. The administrative translations deal with the basic business documents of the company. So it seldom overlaps with the business translation services. The administrative documents cover the documents used in the routine management of the company. Transcription also happens in the process of administrative translations. In most cases, text documents are involved in the translation process.

Documents involved in such translation process:

There are number of document types involved in the translation of administrative translation service, some are
  • ·        Reference letter of the clients from authorized persons.
  • ·        Circulars and  daily proceedings of the company for future records
  • ·        Contracts and legal files of the company
  • ·        Statistics and performance measurement of the company
  • ·        License and certified documents
  • ·        Replies from the administrative bodies and the opinions
  • ·        Papers regarding insurance and revenue of the company
  • ·        Important decisions and the resolutions to be followed in the upcoming year.

Process of translation:

In most of the concerns the administrative translators are kept within the concerns as the translation is done for each and every portion of the daily management, If they are about to deal with the multilingual customers or in the international market. The process involved in such translation is:

#1: the translators get the source document from the management, to make the translation very effective the concern person should be equipped with the ultimate language skill combined with the management knowledge. They should be in intact with the administration to make the translation service with high quality.

#2:  as the next process the translators understands the motto of translation and the concept of documents given. For the doubts if any, the translator contact the members of the administration and resolves it instantly.

#3: the translators then precede the translation process. If the files are related to legal concepts, it is mandate for the translators to acquire some details regarding the legal concepts and translators are free to refer to the translation helping sources for the doubts if any and as per professional ethics professional translators are restricted to relay on such things completely.

#4: the proofreading should be done at the end of the process to enhance the quality of the document. The presence of separate proofreaders is preferred in most cases. The proofreaders look for grammars, typos, abbreviations, etc… and spot the errors and suggest for the correction. After the correction process the document is submitted finally. 

This is all about the administrative translation services. Waterstone Translations (http://www.waterstonetranslations.com) is one of the translation agencies which provide many more translations services with well equipped professional translators.